C’est un extrait du Late Late Show de lundi dernier que j’ai découvert via TVSquad. Au début de son show, Ferguson a fait un splendide monologue pour rendre hommage à son père décédé la veille. L’article de TVSquad le résumait ainsi:
All I have to say about it is… wow. Craig Ferguson used the show to pay tribute to his father, Robert Ferguson, who died on Sunday. Dressed in a black suit and tie, Craig opened the show with a monologue that was moving, emotional, and funny all at the same time. In it, he gave the audience memories of his rough-and-tumble dad, who worked in the Post Office back in Craig’s native Scotland, talking about his relationship with him and how his passing has affected him. From time to time, Ferguson had to catch himself as he reminisced; he got especially emotional when he described an affectionate gesture his dad gave on his deathbed, one that he hadn’t done since Craig was a kid. It was moving, fascinating television.
Son monologue a laissé très peu de gens indifférents. Pour ne citer que quelques commentaires sur TVSquad:
This tribute is the most touching and real I’ve ever seen – a valuable lesson in how to grieve.
His monologue was so moving. In 5 minutes or so, he really did make me cry, and he made me laugh and all in all, it was an amazing tribute to his father.
Bref, si vous comprenez bien l’anglais et que vous n’avez pas trop de difficulté avec l’accent écossais de Ferguson, je vous suggère de visionner l’hommage de Craig Ferguson à son père. Je crois qu’il s’agit d’un des grands moments de télé qu’il m’ait été donné de voir.
Touchant. Profond. Sincère.
Partie 1
Partie 2